Series: Les's Bar #5
Genre: BDSM, Co-Authored, Contemporary, Gay, Kink/BDSM Light, MM, Novel
Release Date: January 28, 2025

Buy the Book: AmazonLost Boy is an opposites attract, sub top, size difference, BDSM romance featuring a strong but gentle veterinarian and a K-9 police dog trainer with a fiery temper.
Veterinarian and Dom Leo Aetos adores animals, has a great apartment in Brooklyn, and even has a favorite bar. The only thing he doesn’t have is a lover and a sub to share it all with. Finding that man is easier said than done because he’s searching for someone with very specific needs. He needs a sub who steps out of the stereotype and that's tall order. Much like he is, at well over six feet.
K-9 Police dog-trainer and sub Chris Kinney figures there’s no way he’d be anything close to what Leo wants. His last D/s relationship failed miserably and he is convinced it was his own fault. He just couldn’t be sort of sub his ex needed him to be. Worse, he struggles with his temper, and he’s not even sure he belongs in New York.
Leo wants to take Chris on despite Chris's misgivings, with some help from his friends at Les’s Bar. He knows pretty much right away he’s not going to want to let Chris go, but will he be able to convince Chris they can both get what they need, without the ex threatening their new relationship?
Also in this series:
Lost Boy – Chapter One
“Hello, is this Mr. Muffins?”
Leo walked into the exam room where a little girl was holding an all-black cat with gorgeous golden eyes. She nodded to him, her pigtails swinging around her shoulders.
“He’s getting fat.” She was very serious, but her father snorted a laugh.
“We’re not overfeeding him.”
“Okay, so, let’s see what’s the matter with him. What’s your name?” Leo took the cat and put him on the table. He was very well-behaved, well-socialized, and didn’t mind being handled. That was very helpful.
He did a quick palp of the cat’s belly. “I think I may know…” He flipped the cat over carefully and had a look, pushing fur aside. “I have your answer. Mr. Muffins is pregnant. So…she’s not a Mr.”
“She’s having babies?” Amy looked absolutely thrilled.
“What?” The dad actually took a step forward he was so surprised. “He’s a she?”
Leo nodded. “The chart says she’s an indoor cat, but has she gotten out in the last couple of months? She must have, right?”
“Yeah, actually. She jumped out an open window, and we lost her for a couple of days. Amy was so upset. But he—she—turned up near our building, and my wife found him. Her.”
He wasn’t sure how no one noticed a cat in heat, or why she wasn’t fixed as a kitten, but none of that mattered now so he didn’t even ask. “Well, she is now Ms. Muffins, and she’s got some babies on board. Congratulations!”
“Wow. Okay. I was thinking tumor, so I guess this is best-case scenario.”
He put the cat in the carrier that Amy set on the table for him and closed the door. “On the way out, stop by the front desk, and pick up the brochure on dealing with pregnant cats. And once she’s had the kittens, bring her back to get her fixed.”
“Thank you so much, Dr. Aetos.” The dad stuck out his hand.
“My pleasure. Good luck.”
Amy skipped down the hall behind her dad and he followed. “Lexie? No charge for Mr. Muffins, and please change his name to Ms. Muffins and her sex to female in the chart.”
Lexie laughed. “You got it. You off the clock?”
“Yes. I am going home. But before I go, can you order me some more scrubs?”
“Sure. Let’s see… size super extra crazy tall, right?”
“You got it. And husky.”
Lexie laughed again. “Husky. I like it.”
“Do they have Minions?”
“Uh…” Lexie started scrolling. “Captain America?”
“I have those.”
Lexie pushed her dark bangs out of her eyes. “Kermit the Frog…”
“Got ’em.” He loved them too. They were actually fuzzy pajamas, not scrubs, and they were comfy.
Hold up. “Ooh. Yes. Get me Sully. But do they have Minions?”
“I don’t see Minions except in normal big people sizes. Not Hulk.”
“I have the Hulk.” He had several pairs in fact, because people thought they were funny and gave them to him as gifts all the time. He would never run out of Hulk pants. He sighed. “You know, are Minions really too much to ask for?”
“Hey, they have Little Mermaid!”
“No shit? In my size?”
“They totally do.”
That was a no-brainer. “Well, I need those. Obviously.”
“Obviously. Is that enough for now?”
“I guess so. But I’m going to keep asking about Minions, so keep your eye out.”
“If I see them, I’ll just order them.”
“Perfect. Thanks, Lexie.”
“You got it, King of the Jungle.”
He rolled his eyes. There wasn’t a big, tall, or giant joke he hadn’t heard. Not one. But they were all in good fun, and he didn’t mind.
There was no reason to get all caught up in drama when there was so much joy out there to discover, after all.
He changed out of his Lightning McQueen scrubs and clogs and into blue jeans and boots making his six-foot-four frame even taller, pulled on a clean T-shirt and his jacket, and headed out into the still-cold early-spring evening.
He got on the subway and had two stops to make up his mind before the train took him home. If he got off and changed trains, he’d leave Brooklyn and head into Manhattan where he’d spend his evening at Les’s Bar.
Or, he could go home, curl up on his couch, and watch a movie.
One stop… two stops…
Oh why not? He got off and switched trains.
The bar would be warm, busy, and a decent place to spend an evening. There was something about Les’s—not fancy, but absolutely not a dive. It was simply a good place for men of his predilections to hang out.
The only drawback, living in Brooklyn, was the bar was a bit of a trip. But he always sprung for a ride home. He could afford it, and at the end of the week, he deserved a little treat.
He got off the subway and walked the last couple of blocks, arriving after happy hour, but it wasn’t too late to order a bite to eat. He smiled as soon as he walked in the door, glad he’d decided to come out. He was always so relaxed here. He glanced at the booths where they normally sat people that wanted to eat but walked right by them.
He just didn’t fit. He always ate at the bar.
“Master Leo! How’s it going?” One of the bartenders offered him a warm smile. “Good to see you.”
“Drew.” He smiled. “Always good to see you. May I please look at your menu?” He always asked to look even though he practically had it memorized. “And whatever cabernet you have open. Thank you.”
“Of course, Sir.” In moments, he had a glass of wine and a menu, along with a warm smile.
“Thank you, boy.” Drew was adorable, and every sub in here knew just how unattached he was, so he got a lot of hopeful smiles. He wasn’t that guy, though. He didn’t take just anyone home for some fun. He had a weird tendency to crush on adorable subs whether they were really suited to his needs or not.
He couldn’t help it. He didn’t just like people; he fell a little bit for almost everyone.
“Dude, did you hear about Master Neil’s friend?” One of the little ones was gossiping to his bar mate. “My Master took me to the diner, and we saw him. He’s crazy, man. You can see it in his eyes.”
“Boy.” He interrupted in an admonishing tone. “I don’t think that kind of gossip appropriate in this setting.” Neil probably wouldn’t appreciate it.
One of them whispered, “Dammit,” while the other said, “Sorry, Sir!” in a tone so bright it was ridiculous.
Neil was in law enforcement, if he remembered correctly. It didn’t seem like Neil would have an unstable friend who worked in a diner. But then, one of Neil’s partners was a shrink, so anything was possible.
They weren’t at the bar often, honestly. He saw them once a quarter, maybe. Isaac didn’t seem like the bar type.
He looked the menu over and put it down, waving Drew back to him. “Spaghetti and meatballs, please. And what is this about Neil’s friend? Is Neil okay?”
“Master Neil? Oh, they’re talking about Chris. He’s a dog trainer. He’s from… somewhere with mountains. His apartment flooded, and he’s been staying with the three of them. I’d question more if Master Isaac is okay…”
“Four of them under one roof? That’s a lot. A dog trainer is cool though.” It sucked to lose an apartment, though. “You’re probably right about Isaac; he’s a routine guy.”
“Yes, Sir. Very much, and Alain and Neil are up and out at four a.m., while Chris is a night owl, so…”
“Oof. That sounds terrible.” He shook his head. “Why are they saying he’s… unstable?”
“He’s a bit of a wild one, that’s all. You know, a little bit of a drinker, one of those ‘I’ll submit if you can force me’ types.”
He lifted one eyebrow. “Oh yeah? So, no Dom of his own, I take it.” Interesting. He wasn’t sure what “wild” really meant though. “I’m sure Isaac loves that.”
Isaac could put his foot down, but he wasn’t one for a fight. He knew that much.
Drew shook his head, lips twisting. “No, Sir. They were in here a few nights ago, and Master Isaac took Alain home.”
“Hm. Maybe I’ll give Neil a call and see if he needs some help.” He could take the boy out for an evening, give them all a break. He knew his way around a willful sub; they’d be all right for an evening.
“Somewhere with mountains” made it sound like the boy didn’t have anywhere else to go.
“Oh, you are the sweetest man, Sir. Let me put your order in. Xavier’s in a great mood, so the food should rock.”
“Tell him extra garlic.” He wasn’t going to be kissing anyone tonight.
Leo pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts to see if he had Neil. Neil was a switch, an interesting guy. They’d flirted a little once, but he backed off when he found out about Neil’s needs. He knew he had a problem with investing in subs, and that would have been a poor investment for both of them.
Neil was a fascinating person, though, and could tell stories about when he’d been a cop for days. Now that he co-owned a diner with his lover, Leo could only imagine how amazing the stories had become.
He didn’t have Neil’s number. Hm. “Hey, Drew? Can you find me the number for Neil and Alain’s diner? Or even Isaac’s number would work.”
“Let me get Les for you, Sir. He’ll be able to help you.” Oh, good boy—protecting their customers.
He ought to have known better. “Of course. Thank you.” Drew ducked through a swinging door, and Leo waited for Les. Just as well, because Les might have more details. Maybe he was overstepping by thinking he could help. It was possible that Neil wouldn’t want it, of course.
But Neil was capable of saying “No, thank you,” and being perfectly polite about it.
Les came out from his office, a smile on his face. “Dr. Aetos! Welcome.”
He stood and offered a friendly hand to shake. “If it isn’t the Les, of Les’s Bar.” He grinned. “Good to see you.”
Les bowed, then snorted. “It’s good to be seen. Sorry about Drew. We have rules about giving out information, and he is… scrupulously honest.”
“No, Drew did exactly the right thing, I ought to have known better. I overheard something about Neil having a challenging visitor, and I thought I might be able to help. I can contact him another way. Stop by the diner, maybe.” The food was amazing, it would be a worthwhile trip.
“Yes. Oddly enough, Isaac had to take Alain out when they were here, and I believe Neil and his company are staying in a hotel…”
“Oh my. That’s worse than what I’d imagined. Did you meet this friend when they were here?” Maybe volunteering to help was a poor idea.
“I did. He’s…” Les pursed his lips. “Not a man you would take as a submissive. He’s very willful, strong, hungry for a struggle and unapologetically so.”
Not a man he’d take as a sub. Interesting. “Is he actually a sub? Or is he just a guy with issues?”
“Neil seems… very sure. Incredibly sure.”
“Hmm. It sounds to me like Neil has a problem.”
“Yes, well—we do know that is an issue for our friend, don’t we?”
He nodded. “Do you have any sense how long this guy is going to be in town?”
“Oh, he worked with Neil. He trains K9 dogs for the police.”
That probably meant that Neil was going to get the guy a job. “So… permanently. Issac must be a wreck. I barely know him, but I know enough.”
Les rolled his eyes, but his smile was fond. “Hopefully things will work out quickly. Isaac hates being at odds with Neil.”
“I’m going to drop by the diner. I kind of like the headstrong ones. They can be fun. Maybe I can give them a night off. Thanks for all the info.”
Drew came out with a plate of pasta and meatballs that made his mouth water from three feet away. “Oh. Come to papa.”
“Enjoy, Sir! Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Let me know how things go with Neil. I’m interested.” Les tapped the bar. “Enjoy your dinner. Always good to see you.”
He nodded and managed to say thanks around his bite of meatball.
Dinner at the diner tomorrow. That was a plan. The rest he’d play by ear. He didn’t mind. It sounded like fun.
Title: Lost Boy
Published by: Tygerseye Publishing, LLC