Rainbow Snippets 5/11

Happy snippets day! This has been a crazy week and my word count hasn’t been what I wanted it to be, but I did write six sentences! Below, we’re back to Jason, the exotic dancer, who has run up against a little issue with his best friend, Diego.

“Yes. It’s Teague’s formal headshot from his law firm’s website.” Teague was in a blue suit, a white shirt and a blue, striped tie. He looked handsome as hell. But–

“A little uptight, huh?” Diego raised one fine eyebrow in judgement.

Jason groaned. “See? This is why I didn’t want to show it to you.”

“He looks hot I guess, for a corporate jockey.”

“He’s not a—don’t be an ass, Diego.”

“I just can’t believe you’re dating someone like him.”

Someone like him? Diego didn’t even know Teague. “Why? I’m not good enough for a lawyer?” he shot back, defensively.

Diego sighed. “That’s not what I mean, honey. He’s just not… you’re a club dancer. He’s…”

“Stop.” Jason’s eyes narrowed and he pinned Diego with a look. “Stop now and don’t say what you were about to say.”

Mergers and Acquisitions by Jodi Payne

Have a great week!

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To read a wide variety of samples of LGBTQ+ fiction, go to HERE.

If you don’t know, Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction. It can be a work-in-progress, a finished work or even a six-sentence book recommendation. You’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+.

About Jodi Payne


  1. Jana Denardo says

    Yeah Diego had best stop there.

  2. Probably best he stops, but will Diego listen?

  3. Ouch and amusement at the same time at this banter which just hit a landmine. (wry grin) Love the term ‘corporate jockey’. 🙂

  4. Good advice, but will Diego take it?