JeRoWriMo Writing Challenge!

JeRoWriMo is the New Jersey Romance Writers February writing challenge. An answer to NaNoWriMo, it’s more flexible, has a shorter word count, nonjudgemental, and set everyone up for success in a friendly and fun way.

This year I’m writing a fun novella for a shared-world project that will be out next winter. Yes, it’s a long away off, but these things take time to set up and market well. Plus I need time for editing, proofing…the whole thing.

I’ll check in occasionally to tell you how it’s going, or, you can join my Facebook Group where I’ll be posting about this fun journey more often, with snippets of what I write each day and weekly word counts! Join my group, Jodi’s Java Joint, HERE: .

About Jodi Payne